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good game

The arcade was so spooky. Thank you for sharing I had an awful (great) time!


ayo why cant i play


i just watched the gameplay and its INCREDIBLE. reminds me of that song "cabinet man" by lemon demon. btw, i really liked the soundtrack and im OBSESSED with the source theme, it gave me goosebumps! did you produce it?

Glad to hear, thank you! The soundtrack is all original work!


The full game is finally out, congratulations to the Dev! I played the demo a year ago and have been waiting ever since.

Thanks for making games!

Thank you so much for the YouTube video. :)

The full game is available here:

Jugue esto para un video y la tematica del juego es simplemente genial, la ambientacion es lo mejor y esta muy escalofriante, tuve algunos problemas de lag pero espero se solucionen optimizando el juego.

I played this for a video and the theme of the game is awesome, the scenario is the best and its very scary, I had some lag troubles but I hope they will be solved by optimizing the game.

NEW Beta Gameplay, really fun and spooky!

I like the graphics and the sound. It got me good a few times, true 'backrooms' experience.


Janitor bleeds full gameplay + ending 

Nice. Thank you for the video :)

Why is it private

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